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In the Loop podcast with Catherine Weetman

In the Loop podcast

Katie Whalen, designer of the brilliant In the Loop game, interviews Catherine for her new circular economy podcast series. They chat about why the circular economy is a great opportunity for small and medium businesses (SMEs).

5 steps to circular, sustainable packaging

Is circular sustainable packaging high on your priority list?  Or are you risking reputation damage through single-use, non-recyclable and badly designed packaging – which is also costing your more money?

Here we show how circular economy principles provide a 5 step design checklist to help you design more sustainable primary, secondary and transit packaging

Circular economy examples in Africa

Circular economy in Africa – an opportunity to leapfrog?

Could Africa use ‘lessons learned’ from industrialised economies to create a sustainable, equitable and prosperous society? The world is becoming more aware that a culture of ever-increasing consumption and ‘take, make, dispose’ creates pressure on resources, land and water, leading to ever-more pollution and waste, impacting on the health of humans and the living systems we depend on. Could the circular economy be the critical link in avoiding ecosystem degradation, expensive or scarce resources and unethical, unsafe employment practices?