We email our subscribers, every couple of weeks, with links to our blogs, podcasts and our work, helping businesses and communities find out how to use the circular economy to make a better business, and a better world.
Our emails also include a round up of what we’ve been reading, are outraged about, or inspired by, around the world.
Why not stay in touch and get the latest blogs, podcats and insights, straight to your inbox…

To find out more about the circular economy, listen to Episode 1 of the Circular Economy Podcast, read our guide: What is the Circular Economy, or find out more about Catherine’s award-winning book: A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains.
Circular Insights #41 – Values and value
Circular Insights #40 – Pathways to a circular future
Circular Insights #39 – a decade of learning and sharing
Circular Insights #38 – Sprinting towards the light
Circular Insights #37 – how to succeed with new ideas
Circular Insights #36 – quality, not quantity
To find out more about the circular economy, why not listen to Episode 1 of the Circular Economy Podcast, read our guide: What is the Circular Economy, or stay in touch to get the latest episode and insights, straight to your inbox…
Read earlier issues by clicking the link below:
Newsletter #12 Go circular, or go extinct December 19th, 2019 – We need a new form of capitalism; Peter’s blog What I learnt from Al Gore about Circularity; Podcast Episode 15 with Matilda Jarbin, Sustainability Manager of GIAB; Episode 16 Designer Sophie Thomas, Episode 17 with Nancy Bocken, founder of Homie
Newsletter #11 Bouncing back November 5th, 2019 – Podcast #14 with David Greenfield talking about Tech Takeback; Circular Economy rebound – is it undermining all the benefits? Wise words from a politician… though it was 50 years ago! #flightshame and difficult dilemmas
Newsletter #10 – Be the change October 22nd, 2019 – Podcast #11 with Izzie Eriksen of ApparelXchange;
#12 with David Bassetti of 3D Seed; #13 with Beth Massa crowdfunding for ARK Reusables; Catherine’s blog, asking what next for Extinction Rebellion; What’s inspired us – an article on Degrowth and the Circular Economy.
Newsletter #9 – the future is in the filing cabinet September 17th, 2019 – Podcast 10: the best bits! Blog: Reinventing the wheel? Why your bicycle might not be a sustainable choice; Globalisation’s Next Chapter; Systems thinking tools
Newsletter #8 – Be part of the solution, not part of the problem September 3rd, 2019 Podcast #9 with Lucy Antal of Feedback Global; Blog: Climate change: are you heading for a ‘Kodak moment’?; Patagonia: Recycling Is Broken. Now What?
Newsletter #7 – Oiling the wheels of the circular economy August 21st, 2019 – Podcast #8 with Elaine Kerr, talking about Industrial Symbiosis; Blog: Why Reuse is the #1 tool in the circular economy toolkit; Dr Matt Winning – Climate Strange!
Newsletter #6 – Making sense of the circular economy July 29th, 2019 – Podcast #7 with Katie Whalen, inventor of the In the Loop circular resources game; Catherine’s latest blog: 7 reasons why the circular economy is better for your business; Rethinking bicycles for a circular economy summer school; Global economics and climate chaos – steering the conversation onto circular solutions; B Corporation urges businesses to lead the climate emergency response
Newsletter #5 – reimagine waste! July 15th, 2019 – Podcast #6 with Adam Fairweather of Smile Plastics,
Catherine’s blog on why the best circular strategy is NOT recycling, Catherine’s recent circular economy talk at a sustainable investment symposium
Newsletter #4 July 1st, 2019 – Podcast with Ecodesigner Katie Beverley, Peter’s reflections on the World Circular Economy Forum and his interview on the Old Fox, Young Fox podcast.
Newsletter #3 June 17th 2019 – Podcast with Jo Godden of Ruby Moon, Catherine on BBC R4 ‘The Bottom Line’, Peter’s highlights from the World Circular Economy Forum
Newsletter #2 June 3rd, 2019 – Circular Economy Podcast launched! Episode 1 – what is the circular economy? Episode 2 Linear Economy business risks and issues; Episode 3 Tom Harper of Unusual Rigging Limited
Newsletter #1 – Tipping Point May 20th, 2019 – Catherine guests on Katie Whalen’s Getting In the Loop podcast, Peter’s chapter in a new book: ‘The Circular Economy and the Global South’, and Catherine’s Earth Day blog for Kogan Page.