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Summary of the knowns and unknowns 4 box category used by NASA and others for strategic planning

Climate and inflation: are we facing unknown unknowns?

Climate and inflation: are we facing unknown unknowns? Or just pretending these risks don’t exist? Being explicit about what we don’t know can help us better understand how climate and ecological risk might play out…. What NASA and psychologists can teach us about risk assessment, and why researchers think we need a comprehensive assessment of the risks for our economy posed by climate change.

Circular Economy Podcast Episode 100 Catherine Weetman You're never too old to be bold!

100 Catherine Weetman – never too old to be bold

Catherine Weetman shares a bit of her backstory, including why she ditched her corporate career to help businesses get clear on how going circular is better for people, planet AND profit.

Today’s episode is a bit different – Peter Desmond, who has been a great mentor and supporter over the last five years, was encouraging me to tell people a bit more about me and how I came to do this – my ‘why’, if you like.

I was feeling really uncomfortable talking about my story, and then fate stepped in to lend a hand… someone I’m a big fan of – Sarah Archer – invited me to be a guest for her very popular Speaking Club Podcast.

Sarah Archer is a speaking and marketing coach, writer, comedian, performer, and ex-HR Director. This mix means she is uniquely qualified to teach us how to create content that makes our audience stop, engage and fall in love with our message.

Sarah is on a mission to show authors, experts, coaches and aspiring change makers how to create a signature talk that uses stories – in a way that aligns to your values and without losing your personality! I’m trying to make more impact with my talks, and Sarah’s been helping me out with that.

In this episode, you’ll hear Sarah’s interview with me, asking what sparked my interest, why I decided to call time on my corporate career and go all-in with helping people shift towards the beautiful, fair, regenerative future that we know is possible.

Hiding in plain sight - linear risk

Risks of business as usual

Our research shows that organisations in every sector face a variety of risks associated with ‘business as usual’ (the ‘linear’ economy). We introduce our new guide to ‘linear risks’ – free downloads available

Circular Insights 22

Circular Insights #22

Podcast: Sharing tools and skills | Resource security | Fast fashion’s real price | Circular manufacturing in low income countries | Why IKEA is switching to circular | #buildbackbetter | Circular Design Cards

Circular Economy Insights #16

Circular insights #16

Close the Loop | Linear risk & circularity gaps | Circularity for human development | Happy Hustle giveaway | Hot Air

circularity gap business linear risk

Circularity Gap Risk

#2 in our Linear Risks blog series asks whether there is a circularity gap in your value chain, leaving room for competitors to profit from your products, materials and reputation. We explain how circular approaches can close this gap and help you capture that value.

Linear economy supply chain risk

Supply chain risk

The coronavirus is already highlighting supply chain risk and creating major headaches for many businesses. How can you protect your business in the face of the next mega-disruption, whether driven by extreme weather, disasters, or even geo-politics? We explore how those businesses working towards a circular economy are mitigating these potentially fatal flaws. They aim to recover their own resources, to prioritise local supply and decentralised production, and to slow down consumption instead.

circular economy sceptic

Why people are sceptical about the circular economy, and how to convince them

Every day, we hear news about climate change and other critical global risks. Why aren’t we facing up to these, and taking action? Are we suffering from cognitive dissonance? We explore what that means, why it’s problematic, and how we overcome it. We look at how to bridge the gap between the problem and positive solutions, encouraging circular economy approaches to create better businesses (and a better world!).

Katie Whalen circular economy game In the Loop

Episode 7 Katie Whalen – fun and games with the circular economy

Katie Whalen of In the Loop AB has developed two circular economy games, including the well-known In the Loop game for schools and businesses and the new Risk and Race circular business model game.
Katie is currently researching business aspects of the circular economy at Lund University. We talk about how to engage people to help them understand the benefits and impacts of circular approaches, and Katie tells us about some of her favourite circular economy businesses.